News Articles for 2017

Professor Richard Kuhn Appointed to NSF Advisory Committee for Biological Sciences
Professor Richard Kuhn Appointed to NSF Advisory Committee

Dr. Kuhn honored as a named inaugural Director of PI4D
Dr. Kuhn honored as a named inaugural Director of PI4D

Professor Stan Gelvin took Purdue Biological Sciences Worldwide
Professor Gelvin presents talks at conferences

Carol B. Post named Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Carol B. Post named Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Collaborative discipline-based education research leads to $1.2 million NSF Grant
Collaborative discipline-based education research in Biological Sciences at Purdue leads to $1,270,155 from the National Science Foundation.

Kasinski receives grants to improve gene therapy for cancer
Kasinski receives grants to improve gene therapy for cancer

Congratulations to Dr. Claudio Aguilar named a 2018 University Faculty Scholar!
Congratulations to Dr. Claudio Aguilar named a 2018 University Faculty Scholar!

W.A. Cramer's Research Honored in Hyderabod, India
W.A. Cramer's Research Honored in Hyderabod, India

Dr. Chubykin receives grant to study fragile X syndrome
Alexander Chubykin has been awarded a $1.9 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health

Proposed new STEM Biology-Chemistry Teaching Lab Building
Purdue begins plans for landmark new science teaching lab facility.

Yuk Fai Leung gives talk on Data, Data Collection and Data Sharing
Yuk Fai Leung participated in an NIH workshop to establish standards in reporting zebrafish research

2017 Outstanding Alumni Awards
Outstanding Alumni Award recipients Dr. Melissa Harrington and Dr. Kevin Camphausen at the Awards dinner in their honor.

How many moonlighting proteins are there in a genome?
Moonlighting proteins (MPs) are an important class of proteins that perform more than one independent cellular function.

The blind gap in avian binocular vision
Study shows that the evolution of binocular vision in birds is not just about what birds can see but also about what they cannot.

Gardner awarded NSF Biology Education Research Grant
Stephanie M. Gardner was awarded a research grant from the National Science Foundation’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program to better understand and improve undergraduate biology student analysis and graphing of biological data.

Wnt9a induces cell fate changes and rewiring of neurites into the chicken cochlea.
Fekete lab published an article on how Wnt9a induces cell fate changes and rewiring of neurites into the chicken cochlea.

Mattoo Lab receives special recognition
Congratulations to Seema Mattoo. Her lab was selected out of several hundred by the Journal of Biological Chemistry as a “foundational article” and compiled in a special issue on “Protein Folding in the Cell”. A snapshot of the letter informing us of this honor is attached. The link to the special issue is at

Kerry N Rabenold Pavilion Dedication
Biology's new log cabin, built at the Ross Biological Reserve, was officially dedicated on Sept 9.

Caleigh Roleck Named as Astronaut Scholar
Caleigh Roleck studies biochemistry in the College of Science. She is also a member of Purdue Honors College and pursuing minors in statistics and biotechnology. The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation recognized the junior with the Astronaut Scholarship in 2017, an award highlighting initiative, creativity and excellence of science and engineering students. The national honor is designed to ensure the U.S. maintains its leadership in science and technology.

Leung Lab receives 2 year research grant
Leung lab received a research grant from the International Retinal Research Foundation to evaluate new drugs for retinal degeneration

Meet Ben Watson Phillips Undergrad Intern
I am a rising senior pursuing a biochemistry undergraduate degree. The Mattoo lab has a broad goal of studying and determining the details of a family of proteins that provide a unique post-translational modification.

Therapeutic delivery of microRNAs
Work from the Kasinski and Low labs has identified a novel mechanism capable of delivering therapeutic microRNAs in the absence of toxicity

Chubykin lab publishes an article in the Journal of Visualized Experiments
Qiuyu Wu, the graduate student in Chubykin lab, has published a peer-reviewed article “Application of Automated Image-guided Patch Clamp for the Study of Neurons in Brain Slices” in the Journal of Visualized Experiments.

Meet Caleigh Roleck Undergrad Intern
I am a rising junior majoring in the Biology Department's Biochemistry program, and upon completion of my Bachelor's Degree, I plan on pursuing a PhD and embarking on a career as a government or military scientist.

Yuk Fai Leung attended the 2017 Developmental Biology Teaching Workshop
Yuk Fai Leung participated in the 2017 Developmental Biology Teaching Workshop (DBTW) from 27th June 2017 to 1st July 2017

Congratulations Samarth Mathur and Yuan Ren
Yeunkyung Woo Achieve Excellence Travel Award for the Fall 2017

Meet Sarah Brokovich Undergrad Intern
Hi, I’m Sarah Brokovich. I am a senior majoring in Genetic Biology at Purdue University.

New mechanism to destroy viruses could lead to future therapies
Researchers at Purdue University have uncovered the way some antibodies neutralize infections caused by viruses.

Gene Networks in Cochlear Patterning
Vidhya Munnamalai awarded NIDCD Early Career Award R21

Meet Elaine Colomb Undergrad Intern
I’m a senior in general biology, and I’ve been working in a biochemistry lab for about a year and a half.

Leung lab visited collaborating institutes in Asia
The Leung lab discovers new drugs for retinal degeneration through extensive collaborations in Asia

Meet Chufan Cai Undergrad Intern
I am Chufan Cai from China, and I am a senior in biology now!

Tourette Syndrome risk increases in people with genetic copy variations
An international team that just conducted the largest study of Tourette Syndrome has identified genetic abnormalities that are the first definitive risk genes for the disorder

Kelly Ronald gets the prestigious Allee Award
Kelly Ronald — former Ph.D. student in our Department - was awarded the Walter Clyde Allee Award at the 2017 Animal Behavior Society meeting.

Meet Undergraduate Intern, Jillian Ness
As a senior majoring in Biochemistry, it was an honor to receive the Biology Internship Scholarship for the summer of 2017.

Leung lab established a statistical approach to analyze zebrafish locomotor behaviour
Leung lab established a statistical approach to analyze zebrafish locomotor behaviour

The Department of Biological Sciences Congratulates Richard Kuhn
The Trent and Judith Anderson Distinguished Professor in Science

Structural Modeling of Protein Complexes with Disordered Proteins
A substantial fraction of the proteins encoded in genomes are intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which lack a single stable structure in the native state.

Structure-Function relations in physiology education: Where’s the mechanism?
Matthew Lira and Stephanie Gardner published a study in Advances in Physiology Education published June 1st, 2017 Vol. 41 no. 2, 270-278

Leung lab research featured in an educational science video
Leung lab research on zebrafish vision has been featured by Inés Laura Dawson from Draw Curiosity in her educational science video entitled “Is Animal Vision 20/20?”.

Hawk-eyed songbirds
Hawks and falcons have been portrayed as examples of animals with magnificent vision in the animal kingdom.

Leung lab published a review article on using zebrafish to screen drugs for retinal degeneration
Logan Ganzen and Prahatha Venkatraman, graduate students in Prof. Yuk Fai Leung’s lab, have published a review article entitled “Utilizing Zebrafish Visual Behaviors in Drug Screening for Retinal Degeneration” in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

2016-17 Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Awards
Alyssa Gleichsner and Logan Ganzen are the winners the 2016-17 Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Awards.

2016-17 Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Awards
Alyssa Gleichsner and Logan Ganzen are the winners the 2016-17 Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Awards.

Tom Walter awarded the 2017 J. Alfred and Martha O. Chiscon Undergraduate Teaching Award
Congratulations Tom Walter who was presented the 2017 J. Alfred and Martha O. Chiscon Undergraduate Teaching Award at the Departmental Awards ceremony on April 25th, 2017.

Gleichsner Selected for Research and Teaching Honors
It is not often that a graduate student will excel in both the laboratory and the classroom, but Alyssa Gleichsner has successfully captured the top teaching and research awards in Biological Sciences this year.

Purdue Science award winners at the 2017 Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium
The 2017 Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium on April 11th in the Purdue Memorial Union ballrooms featured 75 poster presentations by students from the College of Science.

Epigenetics & Chromatin 2017 10:18 DOI: 10.1186/s13072-017-0125-5

Dr. Claudio Aguilar presented 2016 Sigma Xi Midcareer Research Award
Dr. Aguilar was awarded the Midcareer Research Award from the Sigma XI, The Scientific Research Society.

Venkatraman awarded a 2017 Faculty for the Future Fellowship
Prahatha Venkatraman, a graduate student in the Department of Biological Sciences, has successfully renewed and has been awarded a 2017 Faculty for the Future Fellowship from the Schlumberger Foundation in recognition of her leadership capabilities and scientific talents.

Ross Biological Reserve breaking ground for a new building
On Saturday April 1, we broke ground at the Ross Biological Reserve for a new building that will support ecological research, teaching and outreach by housing a graduate ecologist-in-residence, and by providing an open-air pavilion for visiting groups.

LSC teacher inducted into National Hall of Fame
Congratulations BSAAC member Joseph Ruhl. Joe received one of the biggest surprises of his life Friday morning, walking into an assembly at Jefferson High School to learn he was being inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame.

Spring 2017 Biological Sciences Alumni Advisory Council Meeting
The department welcomed the Biological Sciences Alumni Advisory Council to campus on March 30-31st in a session entitled “Moving Biological Sciences Forward for 2017-2018”.

Gardner receives Murphy Exceptional Early Career Award
Stephanie Gardner, assistant professor of Biological Sciences, has been named a recipient of the 2017 Exceptional Early Career Award.

Human antibody for Zika virus promising for treatment, prevention
Researchers have determined the structure of a human antibody bound to the Zika virus.

Professor succeeds in protein modeling competitions using Purdue’s community clusters
Daisuke Kihara and his team for the protein modeling competitions.

How reliable are protein structures determined by electron microscopy?
An increasing number of biomolecular structures are solved by electron microscopy (EM). However, the quality of structure models determined from EM maps vary substantially.

The College of Science annual Faculty and Staff Awards Luncheon
The College of Science annual Faculty and Staff Awards Luncheon 2017

Congratulations Dr. Donna Fekete
Congratulations Dr. Donna Fekete, named to the John and Donna Krenicki Directorship of the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience.

Spatial and temporal analysis of alphavirus replication and assembly in mammalian and mosquito cells
Immunofluorescence analysis of C6/36 mosquito cells infected with Sindbis virus. The image shows labeling at 12 hours of the E2 glycoprotein covalently tagged with mCherry (red) and the viral non-structural protein nsP1 (green) recognized by an anti-nsP1 antibody. The nsP1 protein can be seen to co-localize with filopodial extensions at the periphery of the mosquito cell.

Purdue Springfest 2017
It’s fun, it’s family-friendly, and it’s FREE! Purdue Spring Fest is 10 a.m.-4 p.m. April 8-9 in West Lafayette.

Logan Ganzen awarded a Neuroscience Collaborative Research Fund from the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience

High-throughput discovery of ligand binding proteins in a proteome
Detecting interaction networks of molecules is an important step for systematic understanding of molecular mechanisms of living cells.

Biology Major Shovik Bandyopadhyay awarded the prestigious Churchill Scholarship
Research work, dedication to public health earn Purdue student, Shovik Bandyopadhyay, a Churchill Scholarship

Bio Ed Research Publication: Model the Use of Evolutionary Trees (MUET)
Bio Ed Research Publication: Model the Use of Evolutionary Trees (MUET)

The Department of Biological Sciences is pleased to announce the winners of the Yeunkyung Woo Achieve Excellence Travel Award for the Spring 2017 competition.

Logan Ganzen awarded a Survey Fund from the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery
Logan Ganzen awarded a Survey Fund from the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery

A new strategy to disrupt the host cytoskeleton by the pathogen Legionella pneumophila
A. Cleavage by RavK inhibited actin polymerization in actin sedimentation assay. After treatment with RavK or its mutant, actin polymerization was allowed to proceed. B. Quantification of the percentage of polymerized actin versus total actin. C. Cleavage by RavK inhibited actin polymerization in a kinetic assembly assay. D. Actin used in pyrene-labeled actin polymerization assay. Groups: i, actin treated with RavK; ii, actin treated with RavKH95A; iii, actin without treatment. Lanes: I, input; P, pellet; S, supernatant.

#IAM GOLDEN Student Feature: Danielle Rivers
Danielle Rivers is a Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Biology Lab (BIOL 135), a Student Coordinator for Black Thought Collective, Vice President for Association of Multicultural Science Students, a Tutor for Biology Resource Center, devotes 8-10 hours a week in lab for Undergraduate Research and a part of the Afro Royale Dance Troop.

The Third Midwest Membrane Trafficking and Signaling Symposium
Purdue co-organizer Swetha Ramadesikan with invited speakers: (From L to R) Dr. Chunhua Zhang, Purdue; Dr. Nava Segev (UIC; Midwest keynote), Dr. R. Claudio Aguilar (Purdue), Dr. Arun Anantharam (University of Michigan), Dr. David Stone (UIC), Dr. Stacey Gilk (IU School of Medicine) and Dr. Mark von Zastrow (UCSF; Keynote address).

Susan Karcher Legacy
Susan Karcher Legacy

New findings detail structure of immature Zika virus
New findings detail structure of immature Zika virus

Discovery made by the Luo Lab selected as a “Signaling Breakthrough” of 2016
Discovery made by the Luo Lab selected as a “Signaling Breakthrough” of 2016