Peristera Paschou
Professor and Interim Head of Biological Sciences
Office: LILY 1-225
Phone: 765-494-1601
Email: ppaschou@purdue.edu

Christie Sahley
Professor, Associate Head for Undergraduate Education, and Director, Center of Faculty Success for the Office of the Provost
Office: LILY 2-232
Phone: 765-494-0487
Email: sahley@purdue.edu

Catherine Searle
Associate Professor, Associate Head for Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning
Office: LILY G-331
Phone: 765-496-0062
Email: searlec@purdue.edu

Cynthia V. Stauffacher
Professor, Associate Head for Research and Graduate Education
Office: HOCK 327
Phone: 765-494-4937
Email: cstauffa@purdue.edu

Kimberly Vestal
Executive Assistant to the Department Head
Office: LILY 1-118
Phone: 765-494-4407
Email: vestalk@purdue.edu

Maison Wooldridge
Senior Administrative Assistant and ISS Liaison
Office: LILY 1-118
Phone: 765-494-4408
Email: mlwooldr@purdue.edu