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The laboratory is interested in understanding the relationship between atomic resolution structures and molecular function. We use X-ray crystallography and electron cryo-microscopy as the primary structure determination tools. We are interested in various enzymes and membrane transporters from a basic biology perspective and their relevance to disease and applications. A significant factor that drives the lab's research is curiosity, and our work on ‘cockroach milk’ and ‘blue fish’ are popular examples. Two threads run through the lab's research program. The first is on being sweet (especially nine-carbon sugars), and the second is metal (Fe/Zn) enzymes.

We collaborate extensively with several groups who want to leverage our expertise in structure-function studies.


** The laboratory publishes most of its papers in society journals (ACS, ASBMB, IUCr, FEBS, etc.) or in PLOS Journals (Plos because it is free for Purdue investigators).  So, if the goal of your research is to publish in journals that charge $$$, please DO NOT approach us for positions.