New Employee Orientation
Welcome to the Department of Biological Sciences. This information is designed to help you better understand the Department, the services it provides, and who to contact when you have a question.
Our address is:
Purdue University
Department of Biological Sciences
915 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
W. Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
The main office phone number is: (765) 494-4408
The general fax number is: (765) 494-0876
1. Departmental Contacts
- Perry Paschou - Interim Department Head
- Chris Sahley - Associate Department Head, Undergraduate Affairs
- Cynthia Stauffacher - Associate Department Head, Research/Graduate Affairs
- Kathleen Anderson - Assistant Department Head
- Kimberly Vestal - Executive Assistant to the Department Head
- Roger Mahrling - Academic IT Specialist for Biological Sciences
- John Bowman - Maintenance Staff Supervisor
- Megan McClure - Schedule Deputy
Business Office:
- Cassy Williams - Business Office Manager
- Christine Richter - Departmental Credit Cards, Proposal Preparation, Research Administration
- Mandy Mapes - Biweekly Payroll, Med Ed, Howard Hughes, Sponsored Research Account Management, Credit Card Check Out
- Carlie Olin - Account Clerk
There are two websites you can use to locate individuals on campus. To locate Biology Department Staff, you can use the Biology Directory. To locate other staff on campus, you can use the Purdue Directory.
2. Key Request
To request keys in LILY Hall, the individual responsible for the room will need to fill out a key request. The request takes a couple of days to be completed and the keys can be picked up in LILY 1-109.
3. Mailing
If you will be mailing items for business purposes, please reach out to your administrative assistant for help. Outgoing mail can be mailed in the 300 corridor on the first floor. In addition, outgoing mail can be placed in the bin in LILY 1-123.
4. Computer Usage Policy
Refer to the acceptable use of University IT Resources. This policy covers all of the major security, privacy and ethical issues that arise from our broad use of and dependence on these machines.
5. Poster Printer Policy
The department has a printer available for making posters. It is operated by our IT staff. There are guidelines in place for using this printer. If you have any questions about this printer or the guidelines, or if you have any feedback, please send us an email (, 48175).
6. Safety/OSHA Guidelines and Compliance
If you will be working with chemicals in your position in the Department, you are required to read and understand the "Chemical Hygiene Plan and Hazardous Materials Safety Manual." Once you are at that site, please click on Booklets and Guidelines and scroll down to this manual. Once you have read that document, please sign the awareness certification form that was included in your new-hire paperwork from the Business Office. After you sign the form, please turn it in to the Business Office.
If in addition you will be working with radioactive materials or biohazardous agents please read the manual (Radiation Safety Manual and Biological Safety Manual) covering this information at the above website.
7. Scheduling Conference Rooms
If you would like to schedule a Biology conference room or a room elsewhere on camput, it can be done on the web at: Unitime Room Scheduling.
8. Purchasing
Purchasing is responsible for assisting all departments in making the most intelligent and economic product selection as well as adhering to the University's policies and procedures and those dictated by the State and Federal governments. The Business Office, regardless of the method of purchase, must approve all purchases. Staff members should not return faulty equipment for repairs or refunds on their own. These matters must be handled through the Business Office, and the Purchasing Department. All Sales Representatives are required to call on the Purchasing Department; therefore, refer any salesman who contacts you directly to the Purchasing Department. Listed below are the four basic methods available for purchasing items. The method you choose is based on the type of item to be purchased and the Vendor involved. All order requests must be signed to authorize the use of funds. If you wish to authorize others, including your graduate students, to purchase on your accounts, you must complete an account authorization form that is available in the Business Office.
Purchasing Options
TDX Resources
Purchasing and Employment Center customers can submit service requests using online forms.
All credit card orders are through the Business Office. Credit cards are available in the Business Office to assist with your purchasing needs. You can contact the vendor to obtain price and delivery information but DO NOT place the order. A Form 12 (form_12) must be completed and approved by the Business Office before an order can be placed. There is a limit of $2500 on these types of purchases. Repairs, cylinder gasses, and controlled substances are not allowable expenses on credit cards.
A credit card is also available in the Business Office to be checked out for transactions with local vendors. There is a limit of $500 on these purchases. If you wish to check out the card, please work with Mandy Mapes. After the purchase is made, please bring receipts back to the Business Office so a voucher can be completed. Note: This card must be checked out during business hours only – the card will not be allowed out over night or the weekend.
Purchasing Process
Requisitions with a value of < $2500 and known sources are generally processed within two working days after receipt in the Business Office. Purchasing is required to obtain three (3) bids on all capital items, value >$10,000. These items, requiring quotations, will take from 2-4 weeks from the time the requisition is initiated to the time an order is routed through Ariba.Sole Source
The PI must provide a justification for all proposed single source acquisitions exceeding $10,000. See attached example (Form) of Request for Waiver of Competitive Bidding Form.
Equipment Screening
The Business Office must complete equipment screening on equipment purchases over $25,000. For equipment items costing at least $25,000.00 but not more than $49,999.99, departmental equipment inventory is screened. For equipment items costing at least $50,000.00 but not more than $99,999.99, college equipment inventory records are screened in addition to departmental inventory records. For equipment items costing at least $100,000.00 or more, campus inventory records are screened in addition to departmental and college equipment inventory records. See example of Verification of Equipment Non-availability Form (Form) and at:
Under no circumstances should you place the order with the vendor. Purchasing is authorized to order items for you. You can call the vendor to verify price and availability. PLEASE DO NOT PLACE THE ORDER, the requisition should be marked that a quote was given and by whom. If you have received multiple quotes, please attach the quotes to the order to expedite processing. Once you receive the items, report any problems to the Business Office. If there is a problem with your order, please contact the Business Office within 5 days of receiving your order. If you do not contact the Business Office within 5 days, your order will be marked received and will be paid. Please turn all packing slips in to the Business Office so they know you have received the items. The Business Office will contact you on large items to obtain your authorization to process the payment.
Stores Requisition (Form 100)
Store requisitions are used for the purchase of supplies available from general stores or other campus stores. Form 100 is not available electronically. The University Stores operation carries an inventory of approximately 10,000 commonly used items. These items are identified in the University Stores catalog which is available in the Business Office. The different stores on campus and their locations are: General Stores, (MMDC) Materials Management and Distribution Center; Biological Sciences Stores, (LILY) Lilly Hall; Chemistry Stores, (WTHR) Wetherill Laboratory of Chemistry; Pharmacy Stores, (RHPH) Heine Pharmacy Building; Physical Facilities Stores, (SERV) Service Building; and Physics Stores (PHYS) Physics Building. To order merchandise from the above Stores, please complete the Form 100 and bring it to the Business Office. You may then take the completed form to the applicable store and pick up the merchandise or the Business Office can place the order on line for you and have it delivered via campus mail.
Emergency Orders
When real emergencies arise, you should CONTACT THE BUSINESS OFFICE, and they will work with Purchasing to obtain an emergency purchase order. If circumstances warrant immediate action, a purchase order can be authorized. A purchasing card (credit card) may be checked out from the Business Office for emergency purchases under $250.00 or you may purchase the item yourself and request reimbursement by filling out an incidental purchase form. Please keep in mind that there is a $75.00/item and $150.00/vendor limit on the incidental purchases. The Business Office will help you decide which method is best.
Unauthorized Orders
Only the Director of Purchasing and Service Enterprises and his staff are authorized to commit the University for goods and services. Commitments by any other staff members are not binding on the University, and vendors' invoices covering these commitments will not be honored.
Damaged/Unacceptable Material
All materials received damaged or unacceptable should be preserved in their original state until the purchasing department issues instructions for disposal. Do not contact the vendor yourself; this is the responsibility of the Purchasing Department. Advise the Business Office of any problems, and they will initiate the proper procedures.
9. Travel on University Business
When traveling on University Business, a Travel Authorization Form 17 must be completed at least two weeks prior to the date of travel. If you are not able to complete the form within two weeks of travel, a reason for late filing is required. You can obtain a travel form 17 from the Travel Department website. A form 17 is used for estimating the costs of your trip, but is also needed if you will not be requesting any reimbursement once you return. Once you complete and sign the travel form 17, please bring it to the Business Office. From there, it will be forwarded for any other necessary signatures. Also note that we are able to prepay airfare and registration costs on the departmental credit card. When you return from your trip, if you will be requesting reimbursement, please fill out a Travel Reimbursement Form 25. This form is also available at the above website.” Original receipts must be turned in with travel reimbursement requests. Once you complete your form 25, please turn it in to the Business Office for review. The Business Office will submit this form once it is complete. Reimbursements must be requested within 120 days of the travel. If a reimbursement is requested after that time, a justification must be included as to the reason for late filing. If you have direct deposit for your payroll, you will receive your reimbursement the same way. If you do not have direct deposit, a check will be sent to the department.
10. Vacation and Sick Leave
Depending on your classification the number of days that you earn for vacation, sick leave, and personal days will vary. Please talk to your supervisor.