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Henry Koffler Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences
HOCK 325

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Lab , PULSe , Publications



Structure/function of membrane proteins involved in charge translocation and protein import: photosynthetic electron transport and energy transduction; cytochrome complexes; colicins: ion channels, cellular import, receptor function; antibiotic-resistant cytotoxin; structure-function/membrane interactions of Parkinson protein, -synuclein.




NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, 1965-'67; University of California/San Diego, Department of Biology, Research Associate, 1967-'68; Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, 1968-'73; Associate Professor, 1973-'78; Professor, 1978-; Associate Head, 1984-'86; Henry Koffler Professor, 1995-2000; PI, Biophysics Training Grant, 1995 – 2001, Purdue University, Department of Biological Sciences: Henry Koffler Distinguished Professor, 2001-.

HONORS/AWARDS; Prominent Lectures

National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, Univ. California/San Diego 1965-67;

NIH(NIGMS) Research Career Development Award, 1970-75;

Senior Fellow, European Molecular Biology Org., Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1974-75;

Annual Reviews, (1977-2012) five reviews in four different Ann. Rev . areas;

McCoy Award, Purdue University, Achievements in Science, 1988;

Plenary Lectures, International Congress of Photosynthesis, 1989, 2004;

Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 1992;

Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, 1992-93;

C.F. Kettering Award, Amer. Soc. Plant Physiology, 1996;

Rosetta Briegel Barton Lecture, University of Oklahoma, 2001;

Maurice Hilleman Lecture, Montana State University, 2004;

Daniel Arnon Lecture, University of California/Berkeley, 2006;

Fellow, Biophysical Society, 2007;

Eminent Scholar Lecture, Oklahoma State University, 2008;

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2017;

Orton K. Stark Distinguished Lectures, Miami University, 2017;

Keynote Awardee, 9 th International Conference on Photosynthesis & Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability , Hyderabad, India, 2017

Symposium Lecture, 10th International Conference on Photosynthesis, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2019

'Structure-Function of the Cytochrome b6f Complex,' Cytochrome Symposium, American Society of Biological Chemistry, August, 2021


Structure/function of membrane proteins involved in charge translocation and protein import: photosynthetic electron transport and energy transduction; cytochrome complexes; colicins: ion channels, cellular import, receptor function; antibiotic-resistant cytotoxin; structure-function/membrane interactions of Parkinson protein, a-synuclein.


AAAS; American Society of Biological Chemistry/Molecular Biology; Biophysical Society.


Grants Panels and Study Sections

  • NSF-NRC Predoctoral Fellowships in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1977-79; Panel Chair, 1979
  • NSF Grants Panel, Biophysics and Biochemistry, 1979-81;
  • USDA Competitive Grants, 1983, 84
  • NSF Grants Panel, Cellular Biochemistry, 1989-91
  • NIHGMS/NIH Study Sections: Physical Biochemistry, 1991-95; Special Emphasis on Biophysics/Biochemistry, 11/04; Biological Chemistry and Macromolecular Biophysics, ‘05; Program Project Grants, 4/05; Roadmap Initiative for Membrane Proteins, 6/05; Biophysics and Biochemistry Fellowships, 2006; RFA, Membrane Proteins, 3/07; NIHGMS “Eureka,” 4/09; Instrumentation, 10/09; NIHGMS, Biochemistry/Biophysics of Membranes, 01/10; Special Emphasis, 01/11; Biochemistry/Biophysics of Membranes, 06/11,10/12-6/16.
  • Dept. of Energy, DOE/BES Photo- and Biochemistry, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, 07/11; DOE Study Section, 2019.
  • Editorial Boards (service completed): Arch. Biochem. Biophys ; Photosyn. Res ; J. Bioenerg. Biomembranes , Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), Biochemical Journal (2003-2006) , Biophysical Journal (1999-2005); Journal of Biological Chemistry , 2002-2007, 2010-2014.
  • Chair, Gordon Conferences, (i) “Biochemical Aspects of Photosynthesis,”1990; (ii) “Bioenergetics,” 2001.
  • Biophysical Society: Chair, Bioenergetics Subgroup, 1989-92; Organizing Comm., Biophysical Discussions, 1992-93; Chair, National Mtg., 1996; Council, 1996-00, Executive Council, 2000-02; Editor, “Energy Transduction in Biological Membranes” (ed.), Educational Resources.
  • FASEB Comm., Ethical Issues in Genetic Res., 1997-99.
  • Multi-National Student Ph. D. Committee:  Univ. of Paris, France; Lund Univ., Sweden.


( A ) Univ. California/San Diego, Undergraduate Cell Biology; ( B ) Purdue University: ( 1 ) graduate Courses in ( a ) Bioenergetics (textbook published); applications to cancer; ( b ) Membrane Proteins; applications to cancer; ( c ) Ethics: Life and Time in Academic Research Labs; ( 2 ) Undergraduate courses, latest, Energy Transduction in Biology & Medicine ; ( a ) Cell Biology, ( b ) Active Transport, ( c ) Biochemistry Laboratory.


A. Books; Textbook; Educational Resources

Govindjee, J. Barber, W. A. Cramer, J. H. C. Goedheer, J. Lavorel, R. Marcelle, and B. Zilinskas (eds.).  1987. Excitation Energy and Electron Transfer in Photosynthesis . Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 518 pp.

Cramer, W. A., and D. B. Knaff. 1991. Energy Transduction in Biological Membranes Springer Study      Edition  [paperback, ISBN 0-387-97533-0]; 579 pp.

Cramer, W. A., and G. M. Soriano. 2002. Thermodynamics of Membrane Energy Transduction, in Energy Transduction in Membranes (W. A. Cramer, ed.); Educational Resources, Biophysical Society (, 58 pp.

Cramer,W. A., and T. Kallas (eds.). 2016. Cytochrome Complexes: Evolution, Structures, Energy Transduction, and Signaling ; pp. 784; vol. 41 in the Series "Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration;" Series Eds. Govindjee & T. Sharkey (Springer, Dordrecht); ISSN 1572-0233; ISBN 978-94-017-7479-6; DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-7481-9.

B  Annual Reviews

Plant Physiology (1977,1996), Biophysics/Biomolecular Structure (1995), Biochemistry (2006), Genetics (2012) - complete references listed below; the only author of 5 Annual Reviews in 4 different subjects.

C. Publications ( 301 , 5/3/2022)

[CP] conference proceedings; [IR] invited review; [BC], book chapter/book); full detailed list supplied upon request.

D. Outside Lecture-Seminar Invitations (131, 5/3/2022)

list supplied upon request.

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