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Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Courtesy Appointment, Department of Biological Sciences

WSLR 226

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Molecular genetics, live cell imaging, biochemistry, computational modeling of plant cell morphogenesis


Dan Szymanski’s lab is trying to understand how protein complexes can function across wide spatial scales to control plant morphology. His research combines forward genetics, biochemistry, and quantitative live cell imaging. Recently, in collaborations with materials scientists and computational biologists, his team is learning how plant cells dynamically reorganize the cytoskeleton and the cell wall to program cell morphogenesis. Target traits for genetic improvement are cotton fiber quality and leaf anatomy. Another major project in the lab is the development and use of proteomic methods for systems level analyses of protein complex composition and dynamics.


University of Illinois Ph.D. 1995 Plant Biology
University of Michigan B.S. 1989 Natural Resources

Professional Appointments

2010– Professor, Purdue University, Departments of Botany and Plant Pathology, Agronomy
2009– Adjunct Faculty, Purdue University, Biological Sciences
2004-2010 Associate Professor, Purdue University, Department of Agronomy
1999-2004 Assistant Professor, Purdue University, Department of Agronomy
1995-1999 Research Associate, University of Minnesota, Genetics and Cell Biology
1990-1995 Research Assistant, University of Illinois, Department of Plant Biology

Honors and Awards

2019 McMasters Fellowship CSIRO Australia
2017 Elected Fellow of the American Society of Plant Biologists
2009, 2010, 2011-2014 NSF review panelist
2013, 2014 NASA Space Biology panelist
2010, 2011, 2012 Purdue Millionaire Grant Award
2008-2010 Chair, PULSe Graduate Program
2009 Purdue College of Agriculture Research Award
2008 Purdue International Travel Award
2006 Study in a Second Discipline, Purdue University
1998-1999 NSF Cytoskeleton Training Grant Fellowship
1998 3-D Microscopy of Living Cells Course Study Award
1995 NSF Integrative Research in Plant Biology Fellowship
1994 Francis M. and Harlie M. Clark Research Support Grant
1992-1993 Cell and Molecular Biology Training Grant Fellowship
1990-1992 McKnight Fellowship in Plant Biology

Professional Activities

Society Membership:
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society of Cell Biology
American Society of Plant Biology
Associate Editor:
Plant Physiology
Frontiers in Plant Cell Biology

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