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Undergraduate Studies

Biology Club

The Purdue Biology Club is a student run organization that was created to allow students of any major to become active in the Purdue community. Biology Club is based upon the idea of student growth beyond the classroom. Our club gives students the opportunity to meet other students who share similar interest. While Biology Club' s main focus is on group events and field trips, our club offers many roles of leadership and service. In other words, Biology Club is a fun way to meet new people while branching out and becoming involved in the Purdue community.


Joining Biology Club is fairly simple. Current club members post information for callout meetings for the club on our chalkboard in the front of Lilly Building, in the middle of campus sidewalks, and on bulletin boards around Purdue. Just come to a callout meeting and if you like what our club is all about, you can join. You may also email us at or come visit us in our new office in The Biology Resource Center in the basement of Lilly Hall. The fee for Biology Club is ten dollars for both semesters. This covers all our activities, field trips, and other expenses throughout the year. It also covers food costs because we like to provide our members with snacks at most meetings and events. Students who join Biology Club are not required to commit to every event our club holds. We are flexible and like to allow students to pick which events are of interests to them and which fit into their busy schedules.


Biology Club offers a variety of different events. We do not like to focus solely on the informational part of Biology, but instead our club likes to give students a place to come enjoy themselves and forget about the stresses of school. This past year Biology Club took trips to the Indianapolis Children' s Zoo, Fair Oaks Dairy Farm, Wolf Park, and other fun places. We also travelled to the Ross Reserve where we helped plant trees, locate certain plant species, and remove unwanted plants that were invading the reserve. When we weren' t out travelling, we held hot chocolate socials with the professors of the Biology Department, spent time in the greenhouse planting flowers, and held informational meetings with advisors on medical school and other professional programs. Our club likes to help students get to know the Biology faculty and advisors to help them in making decisions for the future. Biology Club also worked with local restaurants throughout both semesters to hold fundraisers to help support our club. Service is also important to our club and this past year we participated in Relay for Life, which helps raise money for the American Cancer Society, and Purdue' s Springfest. Our club likes to help students become as involved as possible in the Purdue community.

Please feel free to email us at or visit us during our office hours in the Biology Resource Center! We look forward to hearing from you!

Purdue University Biological Sciences, 915 Mitch Daniels Boulevard, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Main Office: (765) 494-4408   Business Office: (765) 494-4764   Contact Us

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