I'm a new incoming student and I need to:
- Know what to do first
- Attend orientation
- Register for classes
- Know about lab rotations
- Know about being a teaching assistant
- Complete my IDP (must be done by October).
Please see the following PhD student checklist (PDF) to help you better plan for critical tasks
A message from the Chair of the Graduate Program in Biological Sciences:
The Department of Biological Sciences is excited to have you join us this year. Collectively we are here to help you succeed inside and outside the classroom. For specific details with the graduate program and with navigating the department, myself and Ms. Patti Dimmit, the Senior Graduate Coordinator, are here to help.
As you know research in the Biological Sciences Department spans many orders of magnitude, from ecosystem biology to atomic structure. We encourage all of you to take full advantage of our unique department, exploring all that it has to offer. There are over 100 graduate students and countess faculty working on research that spans
- Neuroscience
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Disease
- Structural and Computational Biology & Biophysics
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Biology Education
The benefits of having this breadth of science are unparalleled, and we hope that you take full advantage of the diversity. Talk to your peers, talk to other students, and by all means, talk to the faculty.
We look forward to taking you on this journey and meeting you soon during orientation. Welcome to your first semester as a graduate student at Purdue!
With a very heartfelt welcome,
Nicholas Noinaj, PhD
Chair, Biological Sciences Graduate Program

Purdue University and the Department of Biological Sciences welcomes you!