General Expectations for Graduate Students
PhD students:
Only grades of B or better are acceptable for courses on an electronic plan of study (EPOS).
The student is expected to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. All courses for which grades are given will be used in computing the GPA.
A maximum of 2 Cs are allowed. Courses with a C grade or lower need to be re-taken within one year of the date the course was first taken. A student who receives a C in a course in the second year will need to get a B or better in that course within one year of receiving the C grade. If a course is no longer offered, a request for an alternate course is proposed to the GASC for approval.
Students with 3 Cs or lower will not be allowed to retake the courses and will be considered as not meeting the minimum expectation of the program. A student who fails to perform at a satisfactory level may be required to discontinue graduate study at Purdue.
Obtaining two Unsatisfactory grades for thesis research is grounds for dismissal from the graduate program.
MS students:
The Student is expected to maintain a cumulative index of B (3.0) or better. Indices below this level are marked “low” on grade reports. The Graduate School, the Convener of the Graduate and Advanced Studies Committee, and the Advisory Committee will review the student’s progress each semester. A student who fails to perform at a satisfactory level may be required to discontinue graduate study at Purdue. All courses approved on the plan of study for which grades are given will be used in computing indices.
Obtaining two Unsatisfactory grades for thesis research is grounds for dismissal from the graduate program.
Credit Hours
PhD students:
16 course-based credits plus research credits; however, most PhD students take an average of 21+ course-based credit hours
MS thesis students:
21 course-based credits, plus 9 hours of research.
The student’s Advisory Committee arranges the specific courses taken on an individual basis for each student, using guidelines established for their specific area of biology, and approved by the Convener of the Graduate Studies Committee. A maximum of 6 course credit hours at the 40000-level may be included.
At least one-half of the total credit hours used to satisfy degree requirements must be earned in residence on the Purdue campus where the degree is to be granted.
MS non-thesis students:
30 course-based credits, of which no more than 8 credits can be from BIOL 59500.
The student’s Advisory Committee arranges the specific courses taken on an individual basis for each student, using guidelines established for their specific area of biology, and approved by the Convener of the Graduate Studies Committee. A maximum of 6 course credit hours at the 40000-level may be included.
At least one-half of the total credit hours used to satisfy degree requirements must be earned in residence on the Purdue campus where the degree is to be granted.
Time Limitation
PhD students:
Seven (7) years from entry into the graduate program (i.e., 14 semesters plus the intervening summers – plus one additional summer to finish if necessary) is the maximum time allowed to complete the PhD in the College of Science.
Each student should be aware that, after five years of graduate study in this department, he or she will be given low priority in the assignment of departmental funds for his or her support during subsequent semesters of graduate study.
An additional year may be allowed if requested by the student’s Thesis Committee and approved by the Department’s Graduate and Advanced Studies Committee (GASC).
MS thesis students:
There is a two-year guarantee of support during the academic terms. Additional year and summer sessions on a case–by-case basis. However, all MS students must complete their degree requirements in six semesters, including summer semesters.
MS non-thesis students:
All MS students must complete their degree requirements in six semesters, including summer semesters.
Teaching Requirement (PhD)
Students are required to teach for one semester in direct contact with students unless the student has post-baccalaureate teaching experience at the college level. If post-baccalaureate teaching experience – the student must provide official proof in the form of official letter/memo from supervisor at the location the teaching occurred.
Regardless of the students graduate program or major, all students teaching courses in the Department of Biological Sciences are required to enroll in BIOL 69500PD, Tchg Asst Prof Development. This is a one-credit course devoted to supporting teaching assistants during their first semester of teaching.
All students whose native language is not English must take the OEPT. The Oral English Proficiency Test (OEPT) is a computer-based test used by the OEPP to screen prospective teaching assistants for language proficiency. Candidates respond to a variety of questions, present information, and speak extemporaneously on various topics. The responses are recorded and evaluated by at least two trained raters. A score of 50 or higher is required for certification.
More details can be found on the Teaching Webpage.
Rotation Requirements (PhD)
See Rotation Requirements Page
Seminar Requirements (PhD)
Each PhD student is required to take one graduate-level seminar course according to the required course listing for the specific research area.