October 2024

July 2024

Our undergrads are shining!
Katie (top) presented her poster well at the annual "Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium", and Nikki (bottom) wrapped up her REU internship with a winning presentation.
Ending 2023 with a bang!

Tesmer lab wraps up 2023 with three new publications from (left to right) Chun, Yu-Chen, and Yueyi!
Check out these publications on PI3K, adenylyl cyclase, and GRK5. Also, look out for Chun's and Yu-Chen's publications to be printed in Nature Structure and Molecular Biology.
March 2022

March 05
Congrats to Dr. Sandeep Ravala for winning the outstanding talk award at the 2022 Structural Biology & Biophysics Club Symposium!
January 2022

January 31
One award is good!
Two awards are better!
How about three awards within 3 months?
Congrats, Yu-Chen! Great job!
December 2021

December 16
Yueyi Chen presents her work at the Structural and Computational Biology and Biophysics (SCBB) Grad Student Fall Symposium. Great talk, Yueyi!

December 15
Another faculty member (star) is born. Congrats to Qiuyan for signing on at Indiana University School of Medicine! Fourth post-doc from the lab to get an academic position. We are very excited for you and you are going to be awesome!
November 2021

October was rich for events, but summer wasn’t quiet either. First Nature paper from the Tesmer lab was published in July. After 5 years of hard work (and 22 years after John set his eyes on the project) the first of its kind structure of the rhodopsin-rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) complex was solved by Dr. Qiuyan Chen. Congratulations to John, Qiuyan and all other contributors!
October 2021

October 26
Dr. John Tesmer gave a presentation “Cryo-Electron Microscopy of GPCR and G Protein Effector Complexes at Purdue” at the “A Celebration Honoring Professor Michael G. Rossmann” symposium.

October 23
Perfect day at the Exploration Acres Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch. Lots of fun with friends and families!

October 21
The annual Distinguished and Named Professorship Ceremony conducted at Purdue.
Congratulations to John Tesmer on officially becoming a Distinguished Professor!

October 21
We will be missing our rotation students Chang Ding, Priyanka Naik and Yu Jingmei. Two months of intense work in the lab are just finished! Great job!
October 16
Big congratulations to Dr. Chun-Liang Chen for winning the Target, Structures and Drugs (TSD) program trainee award at Purdue Cancer Research Day symposium for his poster!
June 2021

June 11
Our congratuations to John Tesmer, the Walther Professor in Cancer Structural Biology, who was ratified as distinguished professor by the Purdue University Board of Trustees!
May 2021

May 3
More good news! Congrats to Dr. Qiuyan Chen who was voted the winner of the ASPET Molecular Pharmacology Young Scientist Competition. As a reward she gets 2 years of service on the MP Executive Committee. :) Way to go Qiuyan!

Congratulations to Dr. Yu-Chen Yen for winning first place in the ASPET post-doctoral fellow poster competition in Molecular Pharmacology!! Beautiful poster and great work.
April 2021

April 21
Congrats to Dr. Yu-Chen Yen for breaking their CTSI PostDoc Challenge barrier! A first for our lab!

April 2
Congratulations to our newest American Heart Association (AHA) Fellows: Yueyi Chen (MCMP) and Dr. Chun-Liang Chen! We very much appreciate your efforts to help support our group and we are very proud!!!