Pollen Projects
Profilin and Corn POPs
Supported by the USDA-NRICGP (94-37304-1179, 97-35304-4876 & 99-35304-8640)
Staff: Faisal Chaudhry & Dr. Tracie Matsumoto
Self-Incompatibility in Poppy
A collaboration with Dr. Noni Franklin-Tong
University of Birmingham, UK
(see: http://www.biosciences.bham.ac.uk/staff/contact.html)
Arabidopsis Projects:
Studies of novel cytoskeletal regulatory proteins
that are involved in abiotic stress signaling
A collaboration with Dr. Einat Sadot
Volcani Institute, Israel
Supported by BARD (IS-4038-07)
Staff: Dr. Mohamad Abu-Abied
Regulation of Actin Filament Ends
Supported by the Dept. of Energy—Energy Biosciences Division
Staff: Dr. Xia Wang
Fimbrin: An actin filament cross-linking protein
from Arabidopsis
A collaboration with Dr. David W. McCurdy
Newcastle University, Australia
Supported by NSF
Staff: Lisa Gao
Pollen growth tube quicktime movie