Biology Education Research Publications
(* denotes undergraduate author)
Karippadath A, Shrivastava M*, Rump GK*, and Gardner SM (2025). What Is a Hypothesis Anyway? A Synthesis of Perspectives and Implications for Undergraduate Biology Education. Journal of Biological Education.
Lira M, Holder KH*, and Gardner SM (2024). Why ask why? Toward coordinating knowledge of proximate and ultimate explanations in physiology. Advances in Physiology Education.
Gardner SM, Angra A, and Harsh JA (2023). Supporting Student Competencies in Graph Reading, Interpretation, Construction and Evaluation. CBE-Life Sciences Education.
Gardner SM, Angra A, Harsh JA. (2023) Evidence Based Teaching Guide: Graphing in Biology. CBE Life Science Education. Retrieved from
Flowers S, Holder KH*, Rump GK*, and Gardner SM (2023). Missed Connections: Exploring Features of Undergraduate Biology Students’ Knowledge Networks Relating Gene Regulation, Cell-cell Communication, and Phenotypic Expression. CBE-Life Sciences Education.
Flowers S, Holder KH*, and Gardner SM (2023) Here is the biology, now what is the mechanism? Investigating biology undergraduates’ mechanistic reasoning within the context of biofilm development. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education.
Liu S, Liu C, Samarapungavan A, Gardner SM, Clase KL, Pelaez N (2023). A Framework for Evidentiary Reasoning in Biology Labs: Insights from a Lab Focused on Evolutionary Tree-thinking. Science and Education.
Liu C, Dreger DL, Liu S, Samarapungavan A, Gardner SM, Clase KL & Pelaez N (2022) The Conceptual Analysis of Disciplinary Evidence (CADE) framework as a guide for evidentiary reasoning: A practical implementation in a Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) laboratory investigation, Journal of Biological Education, DOI: 10.1080/00219266.2022.2100450
Segura-Totten M, Dewsbury B, Lo SM, Bailey EG, Beaster-Jones L, Bills RJ, Brownell SE, Caporale N, Dunk R, Eddy SL, García-Ojeda ME, Gardner SM, Green LE, Hartley L, Harrison C, Imad M, Janosik AM, Jeong S, Josek T, Kadandale P, Knight J, Ko ME, Kukday S, Lemons P, Litster M, Lom B, Ludwig P, McDonald KK, McIntosh ACS, Menezes S, Nadile EM, Newman SL, Ochoa SD, Olabisi O, Owens MT, Price RM, Reid JW, Ruggeri N, Sabatier C, Sabel JL, Sato BK, Smith-Keiling BL, Tatapudy SD, Theobald EJ, Tripp B, Pradhan M, Venkatesh MJ, Wilton M, Warfa AM, Wyatt BN and Raut SA (2021) Chronicling the Journey of the Society for the Advancement in Biology Education Research (SABER) in its Effort to Become Antiracist: From Acknowledgement to Action. Front. Educ. 6:780401. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.780401
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Hutzel, WJ, Zywicki C, and Gardner S.M. (2024). Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) in Engineering Technology. American Society of Engineering Education.
Flowers, S. & Gardner, S. M. (2022). Biology Isn’t Black and White: Deconstructing Biology Instructors’ Knowledge Networks of Biological Processes to Explore Nuance. In: Chinn, C., Tan, E., Chan, C., & Kali, Y.(Eds.). (2022) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS2022. Hiroshima, Japan
Karippadath A., Gardner S. M. (2022). Exploring Biology Instructors’ and Students’ Conceptions and Applications of Scientific Hypotheses and Predictions. Fostering scientific citizenship in an uncertain world – European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2021 e-Proceedings.
Hart, O., Gardner, S. and Levesque-Bristol, C. (2020), Too many carrots: Are we preparing our students effectively for life-long learning?. The FASEB Journal, 34: 1-1.
Liu, S., Liu, C., Gardner, S., Samarapungavan, A., Clase, K. and Pelaez, N. (2019), Learning in the Laboratory with Evolutionary Tree-thinking about Blood Parameters from Model Biomedical Research Organisms. The FASEB Journal, 33: 598.17-598.17.
Yin, Y., Anderson, T. R., Gardner, S. M., & Pelaez, N. J. (2015, poster). Evaluation of a Network of Scientists and Educational Specialists Developing Standards for Competence in Experimental Design. American Educational Research Association, AERA.
Book Chapters
Meir, E., Gardner, S.M., Maruca, S., Suazo-Flores, E., Abraham, J.K. (2023). Building a Performance-Based Assessment of Graph Construction Using Evidence-Centered Design. In: Spector, M.J., Lockee, B.B., Childress, M.D. (eds) Learning, Design, and Technology. Springer, Cham.
Gardner SM, Angra A, Harsh JA (2022) A Framework for Teaching and Learning Graphing in Undergraduate Biology. Trends in Teaching Experimentation in the Life Sciences, Editors, Nancy Pelaez, Trevor Anderson, and Stephanie M. Gardner, Springer publishing.
Pelaez N, Gardner SM, and Anderson T (2022) The problem with teaching experimentation: Development and use of a framework to define fundamental competencies for biological experimentation. Trends in Teaching Experimentation in the Life Sciences, Editors, Nancy Pelaez, Trevor Anderson, and Stephanie M. Gardner, Springer publishing.
Liu S, Cai C, Liu C, Samarapungavan A, Gardner SM, Clase KL, and Pelaez N (2022) Assessment of Evidentiary Reasoning in Undergraduate Biology: A Lit Review and Application of the Conceptual Analysis of Disciplinary Evidence (CADE) Framework. Trends in Teaching Experimentation in the Life Sciences, Editors, Nancy Pelaez, Trevor Anderson, and Stephanie M. Gardner, Springer publishing.
Liu C, Pelaez N, Liu S, Samarapungavan A, Gardner SM, Clase KL, and Allen D (2022) Biological Reasoning According to Members of the Faculty Developer Network for Undergraduate Biology Education: Insights from the Conceptual Analysis of Disciplinary Evidence (CADE) Framework. Trends in Teaching Experimentation in the Life Sciences, Editors, Nancy Pelaez, Trevor Anderson, and Stephanie M. Gardner, Springer publishing.
Gardner SM and Weaver GC (May, 2015). The Impact of Engaging Biology and Chemistry Undergraduates in Authentic Research Experiences in Their Introductory Lab Courses. Foundations for Critical Thinking, Toni Vakos, Editor.