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Discipline-based Education Research Publications

  • Jacob J. Adler and Stoczynski L (2025) Student Perceptions of Alternative Grading Strategies in the Biology Classroom, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education (Accepted).
  • Jacob J. Adler (2023) Fatty Acid Induction of Lipid Droplets in Cancer Cells, CourseSource, 10, https//
  • Sabel JL, Wright K, Jacob J. Adler, Bates G, Bates L, Pandey S, Simons AM, Swerdlow SJ, Reyna NS, and Hensley L, (2021) Transitioning Cell Culture CURE Labs from Campus to Online: Novel Strategies for a Novel Time, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, Vol. 22, 1.
  • Jacob J. Adler (2018) Students ‘Tackle’ Quantitative Literacy in their Science Communication with Real-world Football Activity, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, Vol. 19, 1.
  • Kleinschmit A, Jacob J. Adler, Massimelli J, and Vrentas C, (2018) Riboflavin Riboswitch Regulation: Hands-on Learning about the Role of RNA Structures in the Control of Gene Expression in Bacteria, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, Vol. 19, 2.
  • Jacob J. Adler, Judd MV, Bringman LR, Wells CD and Marrs KA (2013) Day as a Pathologist: Utilization of Technology to Guide Students in Exploring Careers in Breast Cancer Pathology, The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 75, 8: 559-565.

Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience Publications

  • Eichholz ME, Ballou MJ, Haight TJ, Minton JL, Oates RN, and Jacob J. Adler (2021) Effect of HER2 Expression on NUPL2 Protein in Cervical Cancer Cells, Kentucky Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship, Vol. 5, 1.
  • Beams WA, Burelos EL, Dame LR, Hundley CC, Sims LG, and Jacob J. Adler (2017) Rosa hybrid Gene GAPC is Mutated in the Presence of the Rose Rosette Virus, Kentucky Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship, Vol. 1, 1:121-131.
  • Beams WA, Burelos EL, Dame LR, Hundley CC, Sims LG, and Jacob J. Adler (2016) Accession Gene Sequences from the study: Rose Rosette Virus Mutates the Plant Gene GAPC in Rosa hybrid, National Center for Biotechnology Information (GenBank), Accession Numbers: KT806117 and KT806118.

Biology Research Publications

  • Jacob J. Adler (2024) Fatty Acid Induction of Lipid Droplet Formation in HeLa Cells (In Preparation).
  • Jacob J. Adler, Johnson DE, Heller BL, Bringman LR, Ranahan WP, Conwell MD, Yang S, Hudmon A and Wells CD (2013) Serum Deprivation Inhibits the Transcriptional Co-Activator YAP and Cell Growth via Phosphorylation of the 130-kDa Isoform of Angiomotin by the LATS1/2 Protein Kinases, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 110, 43: 17368-17373.
    • F1000Prime Recommendation: Pan D and Zheng Y: of [Adler JJ et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013, 110(43):17368-73]. In F1000Prime, 13 Jan 2014.
  • Jacob J. Adler, Heller BL, Bringman LR, Ranahan WP, Cocklin RR, Goebl MG, Oh M, Lim H, Ingham RJ and Wells CD (2013) Amot130 Adapts Atrophin-1 Interacting Protein 4 to Inhibit Yes-associated Protein signaling and Cell Growth, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 288, 25: 15181-15193.
  • Galan JA, Paris LL, Zhang H, Jacob J. Adler, Geahlen RL and Tao WA (2011) Proteomic Studies of Syk-Interacting Proteins Using a Novel Amine-Specific Isotope Tag and GFP Nanotrap, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 22, 319-328.