Aaron Rogat

Position: Research Associate, Department of Educational Studies
Research Interests: I am interested in using advances from the learning sciences to develop tools that support the teaching and learning of science. Over the past several years my research and development efforts have focused on the development and use of learning progressions and innovative assessments for teachers and students, many of which are computer-based. I also have specific interests in supporting the learning of biology and the ability to develop and use scientific models.
Email: arogat@purdue.edu
- Postdoc, University of Michigan, 2006 in Science Education
- Ph.D., Washington University, 2002 in Molecular Cell Biology
- B.A., University of Oregon, 1995 in Biology
Selected Publications:
Liu, L, Rogat, A. & Bertling, M. (2013). A CBAL Science Model of Cognition: Developing a Competency Model and Learning Progressions to Support Assessment Development. Research Report., ETS RR-13-29. Educational Testing Service
Rogat, A., Anderson, C., Foster, J., Goldberg, F., Hicks, J., Kanter, D., Krajcik, J. , Lehrer, R. , Reiser. B., and Wiser, M. (2011). Developing Learning Progressions in Support of the New Science Standards: A RAPID Workshop Series. CPRE: University of Pennsylvania.
Alozia, N., Eklund, J., Rogat, A., & Krajcik, J. (2010). Genetics in the 21st century: The benefits and challenges of incorporating a project-based genetics unit in biology classrooms. American Biology Teacher, 72(4), 225-230.
Corcoran, T, Mosher, F., & Rogat, A. (2009). Learning progressions in science: An evidence-based approach to reform. Report #RR-63. Consortium for Policy Research in Education, Philadelphia, PA.
Duncan, R.D, Rogat, A.D., & Yarden, A. (2009). A learning progression for deepening students’ understandings of modern genetics across the 5th-12thgrades. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46(6), 655-674.